
Molly Bloom’s Net Worth: Where is the Poker Princess Now?

Molly Bloom’s Net Worth: Where is the Poker Princess Now? May 23, 2024Leave a comment

Molly Bloom

Key Highlights

  • Molly Bloom's net worth is estimated to be $5 million as of 2024.
  • She started her career as a professional skier and was a member of the U.S. Ski Team.
  • Molly transitioned into the world of high-stakes poker and hosted games for Hollywood's elite, including celebrities like Tobey Maguire and Ben Affleck.
  • She faced legal troubles and was convicted of running an illegal gambling operation, resulting in probation, community service, and fines.
  • Molly wrote a memoir called "Molly's Game" which was later adapted into a successful film starring Jessica Chastain.
  • She now focuses on entrepreneurship, advocacy, and hosting a podcast.


Molly Bloom, also known as the "Poker Princess," has had a fascinating and tumultuous journey in life. From her early days as a promising skier to becoming a key player in Hollywood's underground poker scene, Bloom's story is one of resilience, legal battles, and redemption. Despite facing obstacles and setbacks, she has managed to rebuild her life and establish herself as a successful entrepreneur. In this blog, we will explore Molly Bloom's net worth, the rise and fall of her poker empire, and where she is now.

The Rise of Molly Bloom: From Ski Hopeful to Poker Princess

Molly Bloom
Instagram / immollybloom

Molly Bloom's journey began in Loveland, Colorado, where she pursued a career as a professional skier. She had dreams of representing her country in the Olympics, but a devastating injury during a qualifying run dashed her hopes. However, fate had other plans for Molly. She moved to Los Angeles and found herself immersed in the world of high-stakes poker, eventually earning the nickname "Poker Princess." Hosting glamorous poker games for Hollywood's elite, Molly's life took a dramatic turn from her skiing aspirations.

Early Life and Skiing Career

Molly Bloom
Instagram / immollybloom

Molly Bloom was born on April 21, 1978, in Loveland, Colorado. From a young age, she showed great promise as a skier and eventually joined the U.S. Ski Team. Her specialty was freestyle moguls, and she had her sights set on competing in the Olympics. However, her dreams were shattered when she suffered a severe injury during a qualifying run. Despite this setback, Bloom's determination and competitive spirit would later serve her well in the world of poker. Her brother, Jeremy Bloom, also had a successful career as a professional skier and later transitioned into football, playing for the Philadelphia Eagles and Pittsburgh Steelers.

Transition into High-Stakes Poker

After her skiing career came to an abrupt end, Molly Bloom found herself in Los Angeles, searching for a new path. She started working as a cocktail waitress and soon found herself in the midst of a high-stakes poker game. Intrigued by the game and the opportunity it presented, she decided to host her own poker games.

Molly Bloom
Instagram / immollybloom

These games attracted the attention of Hollywood's elite, including A-list actors, billionaires, and even members of the Russian mob. Bloom's ability to connect with influential individuals and create an exclusive poker experience set her on a new trajectory, one that would lead to both success and legal troubles.

The Underground Poker Empire

Molly Bloom
Instagram / immollybloom

Molly Bloom's underground poker empire became the stuff of legends in Hollywood. Her games attracted some of the biggest names in the entertainment industry, including actors like Ben Affleck, Tobey Maguire, and Leonardo DiCaprio. These high-stakes poker games were known for their exclusivity and the astronomical amounts of money on the line. Bloom's connections and reputation as a skilled host made her games a hot ticket in Hollywood. However, the allure of the glamorous lifestyle also exposed her to danger and legal scrutiny.

Hosting Games for Hollywood's Elite

As the host of these exclusive poker games, Molly Bloom became a central figure in Hollywood's poker scene. Her games attracted not only actors but also prominent figures from the business and sports worlds. The allure of playing in a private, high-stakes game with celebrities proved irresistible to many. One of the notable players in Bloom's games was actor Ben Affleck, who is known for his love of poker. Another regular attendee was Leonardo DiCaprio, who enjoyed the competition and excitement that the games provided. Tobey Maguire, known for his role as Spider-Man, was also a regular player in Bloom's games. These games became the backdrop for high-stakes gambling, camaraderie, and the occasional clash of egos.

The Legal Battle: Arrest and Sentencing

The glamorous world of high-stakes poker came crashing down for Molly Bloom when she became the target of an FBI investigation. In 2013, she was arrested and charged with running an illegal gambling operation. Bloom pleaded guilty to the charges and was sentenced to a year of probation, 200 hours of community service, and a fine of $1,000. This legal battle marked a turning point in her life and reputation. She went from being a respected hostess of exclusive poker games to a convicted felon. However, the sentence provided an opportunity for Bloom to reflect on her choices and strive for redemption.

Molly's Game: The Story Behind the Film

Molly Bloom
Instagram / immollybloom

Molly Bloom's story captivated audiences and caught the attention of Hollywood. In 2014, she released her memoir, "Molly's Game," which detailed her experiences hosting high-stakes poker games. The book became a bestseller and caught the eye of acclaimed screenwriter Aaron Sorkin. Sorkin saw the potential in Bloom's story and adapted it into a film. "Molly's Game" was released in 2017, starring Jessica Chastain as Molly Bloom. The film received critical acclaim, earning Chastain a Golden Globe nomination and highlighting Bloom's remarkable journey from Olympic hopeful to poker princess.

Adaptation of Her Memoir

Molly Bloom
Instagram / immollybloom

The film adaptation of Molly Bloom's memoir, "Molly's Game," was a highly anticipated release. Aaron Sorkin, known for his sharp dialogue and compelling storytelling, took on the challenge of bringing Bloom's story to the big screen. The film stayed true to the essence of Bloom's experiences, capturing the high-stakes world of poker and the challenges she faced. Jessica Chastain's portrayal of Molly Bloom earned her critical acclaim and further solidified the impact of Bloom's story. The film's success not only brought Bloom's story to a wider audience but also provided her with a platform to share her experiences and advocate for change in the poker world.

Critical Reception and Impact

Molly Bloom
Instagram / immollybloom

"Molly's Game" received positive reviews from critics, praising Aaron Sorkin's screenplay and Jessica Chastain's performance. The film was lauded for its compelling storytelling and engaging performances, earning Chastain a Golden Globe nomination for her portrayal of Molly Bloom. The film's success further solidified Bloom's place in popular culture and shed light on the world of high-stakes poker. It also sparked conversations about the legality and ethics of underground gambling and the role of women in the male-dominated poker industry. Molly Bloom's story became a source of inspiration for many, showcasing her resilience and ability to overcome adversity.

Life After the Limelight

Molly Bloom
Instagram / immollybloom

After her legal troubles and the release of "Molly's Game," Molly Bloom focused on rebuilding her life and finding new avenues for success. She embraced entrepreneurship and became a successful businesswoman, using her experiences and networking skills to create opportunities. Bloom also launched a podcast, where she shares her insights and interviews guests from various fields. Her story serves as a testament to resilience and the power of overcoming challenges. Additionally, she has spoken openly about her struggles with addiction and uses her platform to advocate for mental health and support others on their journey to recovery.

Moving Beyond the Poker World

Molly Bloom
Instagram / immollybloom

Molly Bloom's success extends beyond the world of poker. She has embraced entrepreneurship and has become a successful businesswoman. Bloom uses her experiences and network to create opportunities and has found success in various ventures. Additionally, she has dedicated her platform to advocate for causes close to her heart, including mental health and addiction recovery. Through her podcast and public speaking engagements, Bloom shares her insights and inspires others to overcome challenges and pursue their passions. Her resilience and determination serve as a reminder that success is possible, even in the face of adversity.

Current Ventures and Advocacy

Molly Bloom continues to be actively involved in various ventures and advocacy work. She has used her platform to raise awareness about addiction and mental health, sharing her own experiences and providing support to others on their journey to recovery. Additionally, Bloom continues to focus on entrepreneurship, leveraging her networking skills and experiences to create opportunities for herself and others. She hosts a podcast where she interviews guests from various fields, sharing their stories and insights. Bloom's dedication to personal growth and advocacy serves as an inspiration to many, reminding us of the power of resilience and determination.

Personal Life and Relationships

Molly Bloom
Instagram / immollybloom

While Molly Bloom's professional life has been in the spotlight, she has kept her personal life relatively private. Not much is known about her current relationship status or her marriage to Devin Effinger. Bloom has chosen to focus on her career and advocacy work, keeping her personal life separate from the public eye. Her family dynamics, including her relationship with her brother Jeremy Bloom, have played a significant role in shaping her journey and providing support through both the highs and lows.

Family Dynamics and Support System

Molly Bloom comes from a family with a strong support system. Her brother, Jeremy Bloom, is a two-time Olympian freestyle skier and a former professional football player. Her other brother is a surgeon who graduated from Harvard Medical School. Despite her accident that ended her skiing career, Molly's family has always been there for her. They have provided her with emotional support and stood by her side during her legal troubles. Their support has been crucial in helping her rebuild her life and overcome the challenges she has faced. Molly's family dynamics and strong support system have played a significant role in shaping her resilience and determination to succeed.

Marriage and Private Life

Molly Bloom
Instagram / immollybloom

Molly Bloom has been private about her personal life, but it is known that she was previously married to Devin Effinger. Details about their marriage and the reasons for their separation are not widely known. Bloom has chosen to focus on her career and personal growth rather than publicly discussing her private life. Her experiences in the poker world and her legal troubles have likely made her more cautious about sharing personal details. While Molly Bloom's marriage and private life may remain mostly undisclosed, her achievements and resilience in the face of adversity have made her a noteworthy figure in the world of poker and entrepreneurship.


In conclusion, Molly Bloom's journey from the world of skiing to the high-stakes poker scene and Hollywood's elite is nothing short of remarkable. Despite the legal battles and the limelight, she has found her footing beyond the poker world through her current ventures and advocacy work. With a fascinating story adapted into "Molly's Game," she continues to make an impact. Her resilience and ability to move forward showcase her strength. As for her net worth today, it reflects her enduring legacy in both the poker and entertainment spheres while also contributing positively to society post-scandal.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Molly Bloom's Current Net Worth?

As of 2024, Molly Bloom's estimated net worth is $5 million. Her net worth comes from various sources, including her earnings from running high-stakes poker games, book sales of her memoir "Molly's Game," and the success of the film adaptation of her book. Despite facing legal troubles and being labeled a convicted felon, Molly Bloom has managed to carve out a successful career as an entrepreneur and public speaker.

How Has Molly Bloom Contributed to Society Post-Scandal?

Following her legal troubles, Molly Bloom has focused on making positive contributions to society. She has completed 200 hours of community service as part of her sentence and has used her experiences to advocate for resilience and overcoming adversity. Bloom has also appeared on podcasts and shared her story to raise awareness about addiction and the consequences of illegal gambling. Through her advocacy and public speaking engagements, Molly Bloom continues to inspire others with her journey of redemption and personal growth.